Outdoor learning Tutor
Salary £ 13.59 per hour plus 12.07% rolled-up holiday entitlement
Folly Farm Cente
Vacancy listed 11/02/2025
Application deadline 11/07/2025
We are looking for one or more tutors to lead sessions in the following areas:

·         Early years and KS1 – popular activities/topics include Life Cycles, the needs of all living things and sensory games. You’ll need creativity, magic and understanding of the EYFS framework.

·         KS2 – our most popular residential visits are for this age, and include activities such as pond dipping, bushcraft, team building and night nature walks. You’ll need good general natural history knowledge and an understanding of habitats, food chains and lifecyles.

·         KS3 science and KS5 biology. For these visits you’ll need knowledge of the relevant curricula, and an understanding of various fieldwork sampling techniques and statistical tests used in A Level Biology. You’ll bring your excellent group management skills and your ability to inspire young people to consider a nature-based career.

The amount of work we can offer depends on demand and will vary across the year. We are looking for someone who can start as soon as possible. We expect to be able to offer one or two days a week to the right candidate in our busy season (Mar-Oct term time), with ad hoc work available in quieter months.

Attached documents
Title File
Application form Outdoor_Learning_Tutor_-_Application_Form_(Casual).docx
Role description Role_description_-_Outdoor_learning_tutor_2025.pdf
Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form Equality_and_Diversity_Monitoring_2025.docx