Adult Counsellor/Therapist
Salary £ 26,975 - £32,798 pro rata for part-time (dependent on experience)
Vacancy listed 24/05/2022
Application deadline 09/06/2022
Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC) is recruiting for an experienced adult counsellor (working with age range 11+), working with clients who have experienced or been impacted by Sexual Violence and Childhood Sexual Abuse.

The Job Description and Person Specification have further details of the role.

Interveiws will be held on the 17th of June 2022.

Thank you for your interest in working at CRASAC. We look forward to receiving your application.

37 days annual leave pro rata (including Bank Holidays)
Employee Assistance Scheme (EAP)


Please DO NOT click the apply button until you have downloaded the Application form, filled it in and are ready to upload your completed application form.

Please do not put any personal identifying information on your application form, it needs to remain anonymised for the shortlisting panel. Contact details will be collected as part of the online application process and a unique id will be auto-generated to link them with your completed form.

When you have downloaded and completed your form, come back to this link and click Apply.

Any offers of employment for this post will be subject to a satisfactory enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service and 2 reference.

Attached documents
Title File
ACounsellor Job Description and Person Spec Adult_Counsellor_JD__PS.pdf
Application Form CRASAC_Application_Form_AC.docx

This vacancy has now been closed